Monday, August 10, 2009

The Project: ANNOUNCED!

Ok, we're finally ready to announce the project we're working on. It's still in early stages, so if it never comes to be, don't get mad. Presenting The Indy Burst Pistol Muzzle Flash Collection.

The collection features over 50 Royalty Free muzzle flashes from 5 weapons for use in your film projects.

All you need is some video effects software that can key black backgrounds, and voila! your ready to go!

We've spent hours recreating the muzzle flashes from 5 pistols, from tons of real videos and pictures. We've tried to make them as accurate and real as possible.

The weapons:

.38 Special
.44 Magnum
Desert Eagle

And if you don't care for accuracy, you can use these flashes with just about any gun in almost any action movie!

Every different flash style has 3 angles, so you can tweak it to fit virtually any scene. There are 19 flash styles, each with 3 angles, totaling 57 flashes.

This great collection will be available on CD in HD (1280x720 Progressive), SD (640x480) and both (in one package).

For more information, watch the promo ad here or view the info sheets bellow (click to enlarge).

Prices and details are subject to change without notice.